Tuesday, October 16, 2012

was bombed flat road surfaces to spontaneously help to dig the victims were buried in the rubble.

not the point resistance did not ah.
Israel even worse, and then point to a big place, bombing Iran's missile mess, Iran take concrete actions to that of its pre-war commitment is valid: it will be wiped off the map! Electricity, water, streets of Tehran, the chanting of the Koran prayer, and everyone quietly heal the sick, was bombed flat road surfaces to spontaneously help to dig the victims were buried in the rubble.
Europe's front-line reporter exclaimed: country of great people! The anti-war demonstrations in the world surging, more than five hundred thousand Americans from the country converged in Washington, a hunger strike before the White House, Pentagon, the slogan is not to withdraw its troops do not eat other cities in the country is full of anti-war demonstrators.
China, Russia, Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Italy ... everywhere are anti-war demonstrators than in previous years to fight the Taliban have
?Welcome to the global fight Saddam mixed different, this U.S. military action was seen as naked hegemony action, an act of aggression, in addition to a few to eat against the United States, no country of their own minds, not who does not expressed regret.
DPRK delegate on the United Nations General Assembly even want to kick the U.S. out of the United Nations, accused the United States is a liar of human rights, modern France, cursing stopped half an hour before the intervention of the United Nations Secretary-General, the United States to the United Nations angry and pale blue. He took out

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